Tag Archive for: Place Names and Places of Nova Scotia

Place-Names and Places of Nova Scotia

Place Names and Places of Nova Scotia

Over 2400 communities appear in Place Names and Places of Nova Scotia, in alphabetical order and accompanied by a brief, concise entry describing community highlights such as first settlement, first churches, first schools, primary industries, significant events and notable citizens. The online version is fully searchable

Ta’n Weji-sqalia’tiek: Mi’kmaw Place Names Digital Atlas

Ta’n Weji-sqalia’tiek: Mi’kmaw Place Names Digital Atlas

Ta’n Weji-sqalia’tiek: Mi’kmaw Place Names Digital Atlas and Web Site was created to raise awareness of the deep connection the Mi’kmaq have to the landscape of Eastern Canada they call Mi’kma’ki, the place of the Mi’kmaq. It documents approximately 13,000 years of Mi’kmaw presence within Mi’kma’ki, the place of the Mi’kmaq.