Tag Archive for: McLellans Mountain

McLellans Mountain

McLellans Mountain

The rural community of McLellans Mountain is located east of Kirkmount.  This area was named from after McLellans Brook which flows in the area and was named after John McLennan, who settled at the mouth of the brook.

Kirkmount - Pictou County


Kirkmount is a rural community located south east of McLellans Brook. It was so named because of a church that was built here. At one time it was considered to be part of the community of McLellans Mountain.

1879 McLellans Mountain Map (Section 15)

1879 McLellans Mountain Map (Section 15)

The McLellans Mountain Map (Section 15) is one of the several maps included in the 1879 Historical Atlas of Pictou County. It shows the basic topographic features of the community along with with prominent land owners and locations of buildings.