Pictou County Maps: Municipal Districts Map

Online Map Showcasing the boundaries of Municipal Districts in Pictou County

Pictou County is split into 12 different municipal districts.  Below an online interactive map that spatial depicts where each municipal district is located. Districts are based on population, and are changed every few years to reflect changes in population.

Boundaries for Municipal Districts are always changing. If you look back at the 1879 Pictou County Atlas, you will see that Pictou County was once split into 22 districts.  A boundary change in 2016 that saw the numbers of districts reduced from 14 to 12 due to increase population loss.

The interactive map (included further down on this page) provided by the Municipality of Pictou County contains three different sets of data, displaying districts from years 2000 to 2008, 2008 to 2016, and 2016 to 2024 (simply click the different tabs to show the districts from that time span). You can scroll around, zoom in to an area, see who the elected Councilor for each region is or was, etc.

Note: If the map does not load below in your browser window, then you can try using this link https://mopc-pictoucounty.hub.arcgis.com/apps/municipal-districts-1/explore

[ Map information provided by the Municipality of Pictou County using Esri ArcGIS online mapping technology. ]

Custom Pictou County Map

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