1914 Pictou County Directory

Pictou County Books and Literature: Pictou County Directory

1914 Pictou County Directory

Pictou County Directory

Title: 1914 Pictou County Directory

Publisher: Royal Print & Litho

Publication Date: 1914

Here we have an interesting historic book that contains listings of residents (often including their occupations, communities and streets locations) and businesses in Pictou County during the year 1914. Great genealogy resource if you are looking for particular family names.

Directories much like the phone book were very popular resources to have back in the day, especially since people could not rely on having a handy internet connected device to provide them information.

Click here to browse more Pictou County history related books available that you can also read online for free …

[Free Download] A full digital scan of this book is available to download thanks to NovaStory, a partnership between the Pictou-Antigonish Regional Library and local communities. – Click here to Download this book

[Read Free Online] You can also browse, print, and read the book online without having to download any files to your device – Click here to browse / Read this book online via your own device

(Note: If you run into any issues reading or obtaining this book from the links above, we do have a copy of this book in our archives, simply contact us, and we will be glad to help)


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